Episodes of interaction.

An “episode of interaction” takes place when, at one of the critical values of angular velocity (either of seed or water) with respect to the other matter, there are heat exchanges in the sense consistent with movement, in cumulative sense if the velocity is increasing, in the dissipative sense, if the velocity is decreasing.


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The force d.

The “force d” would induce changes in the energy levels of the molecular configuration, either towards an upper level, or towards a lower level, at discrete critical values of angular velocity, with respect to other matter.

Though only if it is possible, at the same time, to adjust the energy content by heat exchanges, either in the cumulative sense (towards the seeds), or in the dissipative one (out of the seeds), respectively, as it is necessary.

It as if the force d and the energy available under the form of heat, worked in tandem. The force d would provoke a molecule to switch to another energy level, provided that, at the very same time, congruent heat exchanges make that operative, by adjusting the energy content, in accord with the new level of configuration.

In a cumulative phase.

It is when the force d induces some molecules to get to an higher level of configurational energy.

However, this occurs only if, at the very same time, it is possible to borrow energy, in the form of heat, and transform it into configurational energy of the molecules. This may take place to the extent of the amount of heat supplied.

In a dissipative phase.

It is when the force d induces some molecules to get to a lower level of configurational energy.

However, this occurs only if, at the very same time, the superfluous configurational energy of the molecules is transformed into the form of heat. This may take place to the extent of the amount of heat that can be dissipated.

“Force d” non utilized.

If no congruent heat flow takes place, the force d has no effect.

In fact, a critical value of angular velocity of the force d cannot be utilized, if, at the same time, among other constraints, there is no energy exchanges for coherence, to adjust the energy contents to the energy level.

All the exchanges for coherence, in the form of heat, must take place at the very same time of the configurational reactions. No change of level on credit of energy; nor on debit of energy.



Some examples of interaction, induced by the “force d”, which finds the conditions to act, are presented in the itineraries 1 and 2 (on seeds), and 3 (on the water figures), preparatory for the itineraries 4 through 7 (on tides).