Insert E.

e.1 - “Force d” and magnetism: introduction.

In order to use the energy of force d, the molecules are to be within an adequat magnetic field.


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prologue > index > Force d and magnetism.

e.1 “Force d” and magnetism: introduction.
e.2 Meridians: common and magnetic.
Effect of the magnetic declination.
Anomalous tides - introduction.
Early tides, late tides.
e.6 Aborted tides.
e.7 Only one system at a time.


Natural clocks.

The seeds and tides seem to follow their own natural clocks, also determined by magnetism.

The “magnetic meridian” is postulated and used in this study as a provisional work tool, waiting for a better knowledge and definition (see page e.2).

Stability of the reference.

Usually, at mid magnetic latitudes, the “magnetic meridian” would be rather stable. Except in particular circumstances, as we shall see later.

Magnetic declination.

On page e.3, I take into account the magnetic declination, and the possible effects on the times of the phenomena being studied.

Solar wind and tides.

On page e.4, I put forth some anomalies in the tides which could be attributed to an interaction between the Earth magnetism, and that of the solar wind.

That would occur when the protection by the magnetosphere becomes less effective. Though in rare circumstances, that would be possible even at mid latitudes (Adriatic Sea). Just a few examples of this phenomenon are given. Such events should be much more frequent near the magnetic poles.

continued e.2