2.3.3 - A force not considered.

The tides are due to the variation of the density of the water, due to the effect of the movement with respect to the Moon and the Sun, at critical angular velocities.


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prologue > index tides > 2.3 How this research on tides started.

2.3.0 - Title, subtitles, content, notice.
2.3.1 - Introduction to a research in its early days.
2.3.2 - Problems to be solved.
> 2.3.3 - A force not considered.
2.3.4 - The attention shifts to water.
2.3.5 - Hunting for discontinuous events.
2.3.6 - The water figures.
2.3.7 - Problems of perception.
2.3.8 - Perspectives.


Your courage - to say that the tides are not due to gravity - derives from an advantage you have.

Following the outcome of your research on seeds, since 2004, you have understood how they maintain their germinability over time. This allowed you to develop a procedure to increase crops.

You have successfully applied the hypothesis that the arrangement of matter, in the space around the fatty acids of the seeds, generates two consequent forces, not only gravity, but also a sister force, which you call "force d", short for “force due to the motion relative to other matter”.

The two consequent forces (gravity and “force d”) produce effects on the molecules here considered, without degrading energy.

The two consequent forces work in tandem.

Gravity determines the movement of matter, the “force d” uses it, as it happens with the seeds stationary on the ground, in motion with regard to the Moon. That's why you consider the two forces as sisters.

They allow the execution of cumulative-dissipative processes, which decrease entropy, without degradation of energy, despite the second law of thermodynamics, which establishes that every process involves degradation of the available energy. With the exception, however, of the two sister forces.

It is true that the processes, induced by the “force d”, use energy in the form of heat, but for the seeds it is only a loan, which they return after the two processes are completed. This occurs in two phases: the first in energy accumulation, the second in its dissipation.

The "force d" has its own characteristics.

The "force d" has its own characteristics, different from those of gravity, in terms of formula, function, way of operating, and degree of discontinuity of action.

The differences between gravity and “force d” make it relatively easy, in seeds, to distinguish, between the two forces, who does what, thanks to observations and experiments, accessible even to people without means like you.

So you don't start from scratch, but you use the concepts you have already seen in seeds, later applied in the procedure to increase crops.


The intensity of the "force d" decreases with the distance in a way to be defined.

You already thought that the tides were not due to gravity, because of the four inconsistencies, already mentioned on page 2.2.1.

At that point, a serious hypothesis has made its way into you, that the tides were due to cumulative-dissipative processes, induced by the "force d", and that tides could be one of the consequences.

Typical modes of action of the "force d".

It was necessary to see if even in water the typical modes of action of the "force d" are found.

The "force d" uses movement to operate.

To begin with, a first clue.

In order to remain viable with the passage of time, the seeds make use of heat exchanges coherent with the movement, relative to other matter.

The movement of the water keeps it healthy. Otherwise, when not in motion and at an even temperature, it becomes stagnant and putrid.

Discontinuity of the “force d”.

Everything in nature occurs discontinuously, even when it appears to us that a phenomenon happens continuously.

The discontinuity of the “force d” is immeasurably greater than what occurs with the force of gravity, as you have been able to verify in the seeds, either by means of statistics in the “experiment A”, or thanks to your senses, through patients but simple observations. Everything happens during short episodes of interaction, from one moment to the next.

In fact, between Moon and a seed, still on the Earth, there is interaction only when the first moves at one of the critical angular velocities, relative to the molecules of that seed. Only then. Most of the time, there is no interaction. The vast majority of the angular velocities offered by the Moon are not critical, and vary continuously.

So you thought that if the tides are due to the "force d", and not to gravity, if they too are generated in cumulative-dissipative processes, they too could show you to be generated discontinuously, during short episodes of interaction, at critical values of angular velocity, for example relative to the Moon, and made possible thanks to heat exchanges, in agreement with motion. In accumulation, if the angular velocity is increasing; in dissipation, if it is decreasing.
