1.1.5 - Example in a year of lean times (2005).

Harvest result in a low efficiency year.


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prologue > index seeds > 1.1 Managing the germinative power in seeds.

1.1.1 - Introduction to cumulative dissipative cycle in seeds.
1.1.2 - To be kept in mind in experiments.
1.1.3 - The sowing procedure.
1.1.4 - Loss and recovery of viability.
1.1.5 - Harvest result in a year of lean times.
1.1.6 - Harvest result in a year of abundance.
1.1.7 - How to get more income in times of scarsity.
1.1.8 - Applications.


The year 2005 was a year of lean times, that is, a year in which the cycle's efficiency in question is reduced.

The two sets of corn cobs were obtained from the same number of seeds (five per set), taken from the same package.

During the cumulative phase of the cycle before sowing, the seeds were kept at a temperature of 15 ° C. Even those which gave the cobs on the right in the photo, except for 24 hours, during which they were subjected to a constant temperature of 35 °C [95 °F] (the same effect would be obtained by keeping them at 20 °C for a few days).

All the seeds were sown the day before the start of the next dissipative phase.

The five seeds that gave rise to the left panicles were also favored, in the sense that they too were sown in the best moment of the cycle, which is just before the beginning of a dissipative phase. This is because at the beginning of the dissipative phase, the variation in angular velocity is reduced, the episodes of interaction, during which the processes can take place, have a longer duration.

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The two series of corn ears sown on contiguous short rows, on April 7th, 2005, the day preceding the onset of a dissipative period, a-b.

During the dissipative phase, no supplement of dissipative action has been given in favour of the seeds under experiment; nor in favour of those used for comparison.
