1.2.6 Examples of experiments E.

When the germinating power of the seeds is lowered during the cumulative phase, in order to increase it during the next dissipative phase.


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prologue > index seeds > 1.2 Observations and experiments.

1.2.1 Introduction.
1.2.2 Three observations.
1.2.3 A force generated by motion (experiment A).
1.2.4 The dissipative phase (experiment C).
1.2.5 To increase seed viability (experiment E).
>1.2.6 Examples of experiments E.


Two examples already shown in itinerary 1.1.

In a year of lean times (page 1.1.5).

In a year of abundance (page 1.1.6).

Paradoxical procedure more or less useful.

The paradoxical procedure - lower the germinability of the seeds during part of the cumulative phase before sowing, keeping them at a relatively high temperature - is useful above all in a year of low viability (when the duration of the episodes of episodes of interactions tends to be short, because of the steep variation of the angular velocities of the Moon).

difference in the results of the experiment E

The paradoxical procedure as an insurance policy.

Performing the paradoxical procedure in any case is like buying an insurance policy.

The paradoxical procedure as an insurance policy

Five examples.

Here are five examples when the procedure was more or less useful.

Example 1: episodes of interaction long enough; fairly high ambient temperature; the paradoxical procedure, applied to the sample of the experiment, proves superfluous.

see example 1 (sunflower)

Example 2: when the episodes of interaction are short.

on seeds of wheat.

Example 3: The dissipative phase requires less time to take place, with respect to the cumulative one.

see example 3

Example 4: the mini impromptu test in times of complete drought.

see example 4 (complete drought)

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Further development of the research needed: the critical values.

Once you know the various critical angular velocity values, you can act in a non-random way.
